V/Line – Station Infrastructure
Most, if not all of, the older V/Line stations were built for a small number of commuters to catch the train. But as Victoria’s population grows, these stations need to grow with them. Brunton tendered for the design, supply and installation of V/Line shelters at different train stations, including Bacchus Marsh, Donnybrook and Melton.
Our Solution
Brunton evaluated the site for any existing services via service detection. This made sure the shelter sites were in accordance with applicable standards and regulations.
The team consulted local councils to get an understanding of the heritage constraints that may apply to the shelter fabrication. Brunton worked with V/Line to understand the train shelter’s colour scheme.
Brunton conducted offsite pre-assembly and onsite assembly to optimise construction. The pre-assembly of the structures allowed the team to work around train operations.
The team worked avoided major disruption to the train networks, including regular major night works. Brunton had two key approaches for the shelter installation:
Install the shelter in its entirety as a quick.
Assemble the shelter on a piece-by-piece basis so the area isn’t encumbered.
Our Results
A key outtake from this project was Brunton’s flexibility. The team worked with multiple stakeholders to turn the client’s ideas and aesthetics into a cohesive design.